Wednesday 4 February 2015

Start of a new blog.

Back in August 2008 I started a blog, thought it would be a good idea at the time. Well you know how things are at  the time get all excited about starting something new and then ...blank.

In the beginning I just could not get the hang of it. I posted one or two posts and  got disheartened. Tried again a few years later  and even though I didn't really post a lot  even though I promised myself I would.

Well any way to cut a long story short back in September last year everything seemed to go kaput computer included and when I was able to get back online I was unable to access my blog. And so I have had to start all over again.....

For any one who is remotely interested my former  blog was Christine - Cariad Jewelry Box.

For now I shall close off and post some more later on. Hopefully not too late!